domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Top 5 festivals

“Bando de la huerta” is the name that it receives the main day of the parties in Murcia. It takes place the next Tuesday after Easter week in the named as the “Fiestas de primavera”. It consists of being all the day walking around Murcia but dressing up with the typical dress of “huertano”. In 2012 they were declared as international Tourist Interest Parties.
It begins with a Huertana mass in front of the Cathedral and then, there is a procession with the Fuensanta’ Virgin who is the patron saint of the city. Meanwhile, parks and squares begin to have a lot of people that walk and have snacks in the streets of Murcia. The youth gather in parks and squares for the “botelleo” that consists of drinking in the street and it is allowed just for this special day.
During all the week where it takes place the “Fiestas de Primavera” the huertana rocks installs stalls where it is offered the typical gastronomy Murcian food such as blood sausages, zarangollo, paparajotes or spicy sausages. There are also some performances of folk dancing
In the afternoon, it takes place the “Desfile del Bando de la Huerta” which is composed by bands, giants and floats with people dancing local jotas
The origins of this event was in 1851 when a group of young people wanted to organize it in order to mock of the huertana people but nowadays, it has completely disappeared and el Bando is a party for everybody in honour to the garden and all the traditions that are associated with it.



Caravaca de la Cruz is a small village located in the Region of Murcia. It is considered the fifth place of Christian pilgrimage of the world after Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela and Santo Toribio de Liébana. This village also has a relic of a Cross. It is supposed to the Cross where Jesucrist was crucified.
Appart from this, Caravaca has a traditional festival which is called “Los caballos del Vino” (Wine’s Horses), related to the Templars.
According to the legend, at the end of the XIII century the city of Caravaca was protected by Templars. The people lived peacefully there until the Moorish (North African) entered the city. After the invasion, a big epidemic arrived and a lot of people died because of the lack of food and water. Then the Moorish who were trying to obtain water, obtained wine. So the name of the festival comes from the wine found by the Moorish and the horses which were the means of transport of that age.
From then, every year the people from Caravaca celebrate that festival every 2nd of May, Caravaca’s Day Eve.
On the 2nd of May in Caravaca, we can see horses’ races with representants of all the groups. In 2004, this festival was declarated as International Tourist Interest Party.



The “Entierro de la Sardina” is a festival celebrated in Murcia (Spain) during “Spring Festivals”. It consists on a big parade that is a mix of carnival parade and mythological in which the main interest are the toys distributed from the floats. The parade finishes with the burning of the sardine on Saturday after Easter. It is produced near the “Puente Viejo” (Old Bridge) and then a huge fireworks display put an end to the “Spring Festival”. The week before the big parade a lot of small parades of bands and preparatory acts (like “The “Testament” and “The Vigil of the Sardine”) are performed. This festival is declared “International Tourist Interest”. The festival comes from 1851, when a group of Murcian students wanted to mimic the “mascaradas” from Madrid (Spain).
During the year, the different “agrupaciones sardineras” prepare the festival. These are: Apolo, Aquiles, Baco, Centauro, Centro Brujo, Ceres, Diana Cazadora, Eros, Hércules, Júpiter, Marte, Mercurio, Momo, Morfeo, Neptuno, Odín, Palas Atenea, Plutón, Polifemo, Saturno, Selene, Ulises and Vulcano.These groups named an annual “Gran Pez” (Big Fish) and, since 1988, a “Doña Sardina” (Misses Sardine), honorary degrees that presides symbolically the celebrations.



Easter in Murcia is a religious festival declared of International Tourist Interest (April 5th, 2011) that takes place every year between Good Friday and Easter Sunday in the city of Murcia (Spain). This is one of the Spanish Holy Week most important for their excellent sculptural heritage, highlighting the carvings of Francisco Salzillo (XVIII century). Also it is the oldest celebration in the city because brotherhood doyen, “Los Coloraos”, has its roots in the XV century. The processions are in the afternoon or evening (departing from 18:00 to 22:00 hours), except Holy Friday and Easter Sunday, when there are processions in the morning.
For ten intense days, the faithful remember the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A total of 15 brotherhoods take to the streets his “pasos”, between long lines of penitents.
Some of the characteristic features are:
The Nazarenes penitents and stewards give candies, cute with egg, or processional prints for the public.
It has a kind of musical accompaniment only, called “la burla” and it usually go after the “pasos” that represent the most tragic moments of the passion. The groups are composed by tune drums and trumpets elongated calls car-horn.
A peculiarity is the procession of Holy Friday, it starts when the first light of sun is deposited on the front of the “Virgen Dolorosa”.




This is a music festival which takes place in Murcia city around the month of May since 2007. It is three days long and you can enjoy a wide variety of music styles such as indie, rock and alternative music. It is located in a very big fairground which is called “La Fica”. During these days, a lot of people from different parts of Spain and even from other countries come there to have a good time with friends while listening to their favourite music. The atmosphere is quite good because you can see people with a lot of different styles but all of them with the same interests in terms of music. The festival has four scenarios where different types of music are played at the same time.
As it is a three days festival, there are a wide variety of services such as a campaign site, portable showers and toilets.
If you want to go to this festival, you have to buy an entry but it can be for one day or for the whole festival or in other words, you can obtain a season ticket. The approximate price is about 30 euros for a day and 55 for the season ticket.
Bands like The Kills, Love of Lesbian, The Zombie Kids or The Leadings.








4 comentarios:

  1. In my Spanish class we discussed what different Spanish countries did for Easter, and we learned basically everything you mentioned. We even watched a documentry on it; the differences between what our countries do for holidays is huge. Our Easter is about religion and going to church, yes, but there's also the whole Eater bunny, candy, and eggs idea incorporated. In Spain everything is taken more seriously; it's incredible how much work and planning is put into the holiday.

  2. These festivals all sound so fun! I love all the pictures as well, especially the folk costumes for Bando de la Huerta and the horse in Caballos del Vino.
    SOS 4.8 reminds me of a festival we have in America in California called Coachella. A lot of interesting bands play there, too. Love of Lesbian is a really funny band name to us. I'm going to look up their music when I have a chance.

  3. I like the variety of the festivals you enjoy in spain. Theses seem fun, enjoyable, and religious. I like to see your view of these festivals. I say this because I learned about these festivals in my spanish 3 class and I like to see a native's view. I wish America was as cultural as Spain is.


  4. We don't have these types of festivals in America, but I wish we did. They all look so colorful and fun! Especially the "Entierro de la Sardina". Any "festivals' we have either involve music or have small set-ups with rides and carnival games. I don't think we have any parades or festivities to speak of, except for Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
